Wednesday, May 27, 2020

39-5 parents' memorial:  When our parents passed away years ago, we established a small garden area in our front lawn, with a few flowering trees and bushes.  Eventually I built a stone bench that sits under a flowering dogwood.

For sometime we talked about Lois painting the image of a cane fly rod on that bench.  The rod chosen was not any rod, but an Art Weiler 39-5 Leonard model.  I first flexed this bamboo more than a decade ago at The Fly Fishing Show in Somerset, NJ, but resisted the temptation to purchase it then.  However, when my father died I acted as the executor of his will and my sister arranged for us to utilize a Pennsylvania attorney she knew, who resided along the Delaware River.

Well, the trip to the attorney’s office to sign/notarize paperwork took us almost past Art Weiler’s place.  Thus I called Art inquiring if he still had a 39-5 Leonard model, and he replied in the affirmative.  So I purchased the rod in my Dad's memory.  Memorial Day weekend 2020 Lois painted an image of that bamboo fly rod, and a Hardy reel, on the stone bench, in an area set aside in memory of our parents.

1 comment:

  1. Den, your Uncle Pete would have been so proud. It’s so beautiful and peaceful. The photos brought tears, I have always been the emotional one!
