Sunday, July 24, 2022

Family:  As Wanda Hope Carter noted, "Family and friends are hidden treasures, seek them and enjoy their riches."  Below are different watercolors of various family members.

Perhaps there's nothing as relaxing as taking a dog for a stroll in the Groton Town Forest.

Groton Town Forest and grandchildren (NFS):

As author/angler Ray Bergman noted in Just Fishing, "Just Fishing!  All life is that to some extent.  If we are not fishing for one thing it is another."

A father and son fishing (NFS):

As Lois Wye noted, "Grandchildren are the dots that connect the lines from generation to generation."

Grandson shadows (NFS):

Mohonk:  The Mohonk summerhouse, which reportedly is the official logo of the Mohonk Mountain House.  It's been said that at one time 155 summerhouses could be found on the property.

Mohonk summerhouse (Sold):